I have recently become an avid podcast collector over the past month or so and I’m clearly enjoying it. Long before downloading podcasts was even considered normal consumption of internet bandwidth, many of my mates were onto downloading a ton of them, daily. I remember just how odd that struck me and I couldn’t figure their line of thinking whether they thought the internet would be shut down one day and they’d regret missed opportunities or they were seriously putting them to good use. To this day, i’m more clueless than I was then, having downloaded a few now, I can tell you, consuming them is the hardest part. What I have grown to love about podcasts, is the convenience they offer and the large pool of more expert advise that I can keep drumming into my head whether i’m at work, eating or going somewhere. I’m in the process of switching domains from web development to tech entrepreneurship so I have been on the prowl for good stuff to listen to. I greatly recommend the following podcasts that I have taken a great addiction to:

 1) Stanford’s Entrepreneurial Podcast (ecorner.stanford.edu)

This is a great listen and a must have for anyone looking to grow what they know about starting and managing a startup. It features successful entrepreneurs from diverse fields, most of whom learnt at Stanford. Every show is filled with great anecdotes, I’d recommend you give it a go!

My favourite episode: From Stanford to Startup – Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger (Instagram)

2) Startups For the rest of us (www.startupsfortherestofus.com)

Done by Rob Walling and Mike Tabber, this is one of the most focused podcasts I have listened to. The presenters offer no-frills advice based on their own experiences in the startup world. Each show opens with them going through what they achieved in the last week before they dissect a major topic then sometimes they answer questions from budding entrepreneurs. It took a bit of time to warm to, but now I absolutely love it and I can assure you, it’s a great find.

Important Takeaway: Knowing how other entrepreneurs are fighting their battles right now, will equip you with the latest armour and prevent you from giving up in tough times.

3) This Week In Tech (www.twit.tv/twit)

This is a weekly podcast that discusses the most current news happening in technology. Hosted by Leo Laporte, each week features other great pundits from John C Dvorak to Robert Scoble. If you’re in tech, you need to know what’s happening in tech. Subscribe to this one, and hear from the big guys.

4) This Week In Startups (www.thisweekinstartups.com)

This is sometimes a bi-weekly podcast and focuses a lot on startup news, pitches and events. From time to time it features respected entrepreneurs. It’s a great podcast, but the host sometimes talks a lot more than the guests, which might be a bit of a turnoff for some. He’s hilarious though so it’s also easy to like him.

Don’t bet on it for raw startup advice but it’ll keep you updated on what’s happening.

If there are any other podcasts that you think fits the bill, go ahead and drop a comment!